Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



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Marta's Going Away Party

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This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

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2007-09-28 [Obsidian Panthera]: I really don't know what I did...Sorry, bro. :-\

2007-09-28 [Fear of the Soul]: HOMECOMING!!!!!

2007-09-28 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ...?
no. no homecoming.

2007-09-28 [Fear of the Soul]: oh... why not?

2007-09-28 [Master Of Duct Tape]: because dances are lame.

2007-09-28 [Master Of Duct Tape]: anywho.

HAPPY HUG A VEGETARIAN DAY EVERYONE!!! soo... marta. (the only one) *hug*

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: hug marta!!!

2007-09-28 [Sweet Surrender]: *hugs marta and sam* sam is the other vegetarian

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: true that...*hugs sam too*

2007-09-28 [insanity prawn boy]: *hugs*

2007-09-28 [Obsidian Panthera]: *Hugs*

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: JACKAL!!!!!*glompos* Hi!

2007-09-28 [risky]: llama.

2007-09-28 [risky]: wait...


llama. most random pic ive ever taken. continue...

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: Lllama!!!!

can you believe they actually took the time to create a whole fucking website for this?

2007-09-28 [risky]: thats ghey. i figured you would appreciate the llama tho so i took a pic.

2007-09-28 [Obsidian Panthera]: HI MOTHER!! *Glomps back*

And a Llama!! That's awesome.

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: yeha, the site actually grabbed my attention for a long time, cuz i'm like, this is freaking sad....

Comign tothe game tongiht? Huinter may be there with m,e....

2007-09-28 [risky]: probably not

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: But it's my favorite edibale! and see, he moved out of state, so you won't get to see him much anymore....

2007-09-28 [risky]: but i dont care about watchin another game of some pathetic ass team. the only reason i went to the other 1 was cause stetson was irked i hadent been to ne of his games. and everyones gonna be at berkleys homecoming game neway.

oh yea... im tryna go somewhere with him -->> <img:>

*drools* Briiiiiiiaaaaaaaaan... <img:>

2007-09-28 [Obsidian Panthera]: Ooh, straight gangsta. >_>

2007-09-28 [risky]: lmao i took that pic. we were bein stupid

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: lol, ok then,

2007-09-28 [risky]: yea... i hate everybody right now anyway.

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: Even me? *whimpers, looking cute*

2007-09-28 [risky]: no... youre too cute ^_^

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah!* glomps, huggles* I'm too ctue! Can't hate me, too cute!

2007-09-28 [risky]: yay!

2007-09-28 [Syn's Desire]: *huggles* too cute too cute, i am too cute!*sings*

2007-09-28 [Fear of the Soul]: OOoooOOooooo

2007-09-28 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...Wha? :-\

2007-09-28 [Fear of the Soul]: nothin... bored...

2007-09-28 [risky]: OOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOoooooOOoooOOooooo

2007-09-28 [Rowan]: you cant hate can laugh at, along WITH me. and i have red hair. then again, you probably could...

2007-09-28 [risky]: bionic woman is on. lucky me.

2007-09-28 [Rowan]: what? is it a re-run of the first episode?

2007-09-28 [risky]: yea. on sci-fi. its pretty lame so far

2007-09-29 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2007-09-29 [Syn's Desire]: i didn't even bother to watch it....

2007-09-29 [risky]: dont bother. its not even worth it

2007-09-29 [risky]: <img:>

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...Woow.

2007-09-29 [Fear of the Soul]: OMFG.... tammer would love that...

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yeah he would.

2007-09-29 [risky]:

Ok... If you guys could go ANYWHERE (in the U.S.) to have fun for spring break where would you go?

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Japan...Hawaii?

2007-09-29 [risky]: japan is cool. but im scared of hawaii

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...>_> Why?

2007-09-29 [risky]: i have a fear of natural disasters and the island/ volcano combo doesnt work so well. but japan is sooo cool. i dont think my friends would go for that tho... theyre ghey...

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: I can understand that fear.
Uh, how about Australia? I've heard very good things about staying there.

2007-09-29 [risky]: hmm... i might have to edit that. i think i can only fly to somewhere in the u.s. ugh. GHEY!

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Ouch, that takes away bunches of cool places...There's always Florida, I guess. If you like skiing and snowboarding and stuff, there's Colorado I think it was.

2007-09-29 [risky]: i kno. that removes all of the good places... paris... *sigh* but i guess i cant complain free tickets are free tickets.

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Free?! Awh...

2007-09-29 [risky]: yea im tryna plan my 18th b-day party and i figured since i can get free tickets anyway why not go somewhere with my friends. first it was new york then vegas then disney world then cancun now nobody can just pick a damn place

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Cancun. All the way.

2007-09-29 [risky]: lol i guess so... im gonna have to do some work to get us there. geez... hotel rooms r expensive

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: I'll pay a bunch if I get a ticket!

2007-09-29 [risky]: you can i dont really care who goes but id prefer it be 18 and older cause nobodys gonna stay to babysit when were in the clubs

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Oh yeah.

_> Nevermind then.

2007-09-29 [risky]: lol sry. im having a seperate party here for everyone cause lots of ppl arent 18 so you can go to that

2007-09-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: Shveet.

2007-09-29 [risky]: im going to need a present tho...

2007-09-30 [Obsidian Panthera]: Okay. Do you like chocolates?

2007-09-30 [risky]: sure... sounds cheep tho...

2007-09-30 [Obsidian Panthera]: Lmao. How much do you want me to spend?

2007-09-30 [risky]: no less then $2,000 ^_^

2007-09-30 [Obsidian Panthera]: ....If I didn't know you weren't being serious, I'd be a bit upset.
I'll prolly stick to the chocolates.

2007-09-30 [Fear of the Soul]: What if I MADE cookies.... I hear they're amazing... ask pete.. XDDDDD

2007-09-30 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...;>_>

2007-09-30 [risky]: um... cool?

2007-09-30 [Rowan]: they are.

2007-09-30 [Fear of the Soul]: exactly

2007-10-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: grrr. i hate my job. what a lame b-day. =[ I'm pouty.

2007-10-01 [Obsidian Panthera]: Awh. It was bad? What happened?

2007-10-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: it was just lame. nonstop crap all day long...

and I didnt get paid.. =[

b/c I stil owed my boss for my new beardie that i brought home last week.

and it was just boring. i was practically doing everything. 

2007-10-01 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...o_O

2007-10-01 [risky]: hehe. its stuck in my head now

2007-10-01 [Obsidian Panthera]: It's...retarded. -_-; And now it's stuck in my head, dammit.

2007-10-01 [risky]: HA!


2007-10-01 [Obsidian Panthera]: YOU ARE A PIRATE!!

2007-10-01 [risky]: do what you want cause a pirate is free. YOU ARE A PIRATE! [argh]

2007-10-01 [Syn's Desire]: lol, i love that animation!

2007-10-01 [risky]: me 2!

2007-10-01 [risky]: this ones better;mode=related&amp;search=

it has gorge bush and a YARR RLY owl

2007-10-04 [Master Of Duct Tape]: .....who wants to give me money to feed my tattoo addiction?!?!  LOLZ. I am so poor. =[

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: I MIGHT BE GOING TO HOMECOMING!!!!!! if ben gets me a ticket...

2007-10-05 [risky]: cool. i was gonna go but if i go ill probably end up in a fight lol

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: O-o?????

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: Lmao.

2007-10-05 [risky]: yea idk if ive told u bout the girl tryna be me. ive been talkin to v about it. its the same reason im not goin to the game

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: Sounds like someone else I know...Why don't you just go beat her ass?

2007-10-05 [risky]: stetson wont let me. oh yea i ment to tell you before he told me he wanted to punch you the other day lmao i was laughin so hard

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: Awh...Good luck, then. =P

2007-10-05 [risky]: i guess... hope i dont catch her in a dark alley... <img:>

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...;>_>

2007-10-05 [risky]: lol

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: who is it? my bumbly white ass can "accidentally" bump into her and spill some shit on her if shes at the game

2007-10-05 [risky]: some gorilla looking girl. its not worth it. i can handle my own shit.

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: God, I hate gorillas...Real ones and ugly people.

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: i can try to videotape it. at least it would be entertaining...

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: i can see it now, i spill my drink on this bitch and she goes nuts and i have to run from the cops. all on tape.


2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: LMAO, I can so imagine that. Especially him running for dear life...XD

2007-10-05 [risky]: <img:>

omg shes sooo ugly. she swears shes the shit. why cant a pretty girl pretend to be me and try to steal my fiance?? *sigh* life is confusing...

2007-10-05 [Nytefox]: because you were the only "hot" black girl left in the school... and now you're gone... plus, the white bitches you all scared away...

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: ew. ew. ew. ewewewewewew

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: ..It looks like a GUY.

2007-10-05 [risky]: um no... heres my list of hot black girls still at groves


the list goes on but my attention span ends here.

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: ROFLMAO. Kristin; I TOTALLY agree.

2007-10-05 [risky]: yep.

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: i like the 3rd pic most. i think its the hair.

2007-10-05 [risky]: yep. sexy hair. there r better pics of most of these girls but that requires looking... im tryna find em...

2007-10-05 [Obsidian Panthera]: She is bangin'. I think she's in my 4th hour.
Adrianne Porter?....Meh.
2nd to last. Damn fine ass.

2007-10-05 [risky]:

2007-10-05 [risky]: <img:>

that girl in the back with her mouth wide open... yea. shes kinda bangin too =)

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: uhhh.... *walks away*

2007-10-05 [risky]: lol why are you walking away?

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: they look great but I have no idea what you guys are talking about

2007-10-05 [risky]: someone said i was the last hot black girl at groves and i posted pics of ppl who still go there who i thought were hot. the last ones me yelling at whoever took the pic tho lol

2007-10-05 [Fear of the Soul]: oooooo mmk gotcha now

2007-10-05 [risky]: damn... looks like im goin to the game now...

2007-10-05 [Rowan]: YES! haHA! more alums!

2007-10-05 [risky]: ugh

2007-10-05 [Nytefox]: wait... how did Torri smith get in that list??
Oh well... and really, who cares about them? I was just bored.

2007-10-06 [risky]: cause shes pretty

2007-10-06 [risky]: <img:>


2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: OMG...I love that site. ^_^

2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: And would anyone happen to know the name of this song here? --

2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: Nevermind, it's Flogging Molly - Salty Dog.

2007-10-06 [Syn's Desire]: Goo dsong.

2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: Damn right. I just got a whole bunch of their music. I'm surprised I never found them before. ^_^

2007-10-06 [Syn's Desire]: you've never heard of Floging molly? loser....

2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: I've heard of them, I've just never heard them.

2007-10-06 [Syn's Desire]: um? okkk....

2007-10-06 [Obsidian Panthera]: In other words, I have heard mention of their name, but have never heard a song by them...Until recently, of course.

2007-10-06 [Syn's Desire]: nice....

2007-10-07 [Rowan]: apparently the paris thing was a rumor. althougth, that DOES sound like something he would do...

2007-10-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: the what thing?

2007-10-08 [Nytefox]: supposedly Paris was hiredby the school to snoop out parties after homecoming and report to the school who was doing what illegal activities...

this rumor was started by the swim team, because Shatts was his date, and she's a fucking retard like the rest of the swim team.

2007-10-08 [Rowan]: my version of the rumour was that he decided to do it on his own and told ms hurley he would report back to her and there was a $200 reward for whoever beat his ass for it

2007-10-08 [risky]: lmao thats so sad. i wish sho didnt stop me when i was bout to kick his ass... *sigh* fun party tho pete lmao at the guys running in and out for the porno

2007-10-08 [Fear of the Soul]: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW glad I left...

2007-10-08 [risky]: lol it was fun

2007-10-08 [risky]: HELP GUYS! I need a sexy halloween party name so far my friends have suggested bloodlust and treat me (like with "trick or" crossed out then it says treat me)

2007-10-08 [Fear of the Soul]: well, what's the theme? if there is one..

2007-10-08 [Syn's Desire]: Well, I'm lookin gfor someone to go as the other half....I go as "trick and Treat, treat is usually a boy, Trick is usually me, I'm willin gto swap role, or pay interchangable, but idk what all's up for Halloween, who's hosting a party? is anyone hosting a party?

2007-10-09 [Fear of the Soul]: hmmmmmmmmm..........

2007-10-09 [risky]: i already said a sexy halloween party

2007-10-09 [Syn's Desire]: When? where, whoim? your groups and our groups don't really mix well.

2007-10-09 [risky]: i know. i already talked about it at petes party. thats y me and justin were saying if you havent been to a nigger party b4 then u probably shouldnt go lmao.

2007-10-09 [Syn's Desire]: I could go, but i wanna do a party later on Haloween night itself. or the night before. with the bt and close friends and shit.

2007-10-09 [risky]: if i actually do mines its gonna be on sat the 27. and yea you could pull off going.

2007-10-09 [Syn's Desire]: m just good liek that....

2007-10-09 [risky]: yup. i think this is gonna be my costume...

[pic of football girl costume]

theres gonna be a prize for sexiest costume ^_^

2007-10-09 [risky]: omg i just noticed it said 69! hehe. >_<

2007-10-09 [Fear of the Soul]: That would look great on you!!!

I went to Oxford, do I qualify to go?

2007-10-10 [risky]: as long as you dress to blend in. if avivahs goin we can all go costume shopping together. ill invite you when i make the group on facebook. we decided on treat me =)


im still workin on it...

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: That looks great!
And yay!!!!

2007-10-10 [risky]: yay ^_^

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: hmmm... sexy kitty costume okay? might even wear a skirt...

2007-10-10 [risky]: like this?

[there was a pic here]

or like this...

[there was another pic here]

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: I am not a pink person.
I have a black halter top, black mini skirt?, big boots, ears and tail I got from ren fest.

2007-10-10 [risky]: omg... this would look so hot on you

[different pic was here]

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: I HAVE THOSE SHOES!!!!! yay... maybe.... how much?

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: btw, what's the prize?

2007-10-10 [risky]: idk wat the prize is yet. depends on how much money we have after renting the hall n paying for decorations, the dj, the buffet, the drinks, and the hotel rooms

2007-10-10 [risky]: but uh... it's $60. ouch.

2007-10-10 [risky]: this is sexy too

[and another one. TOO LATE! you missed it]

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: OMFG!!!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: find a cheep one that's sexy

2007-10-10 [risky]: i cant find any cheep ones

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: awwwww..... *sadness* I'll just have to make one... or take pics of stuff I can find around my house that I can wear

2007-10-10 [risky]: the key is to not be original at all.

2007-10-10 [risky]: megggg i was bout to send u the invite but ur not my friend on fb... since when is that?

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: I dunno... you un-friended me here

2007-10-10 [risky]: i un-friended everyone here

2007-10-10 [Syn's Desire]: Well....i'm not on FB, so someone get me the details ok?

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: mmk, you can send me the stuffff

2007-10-10 [risky]: ok i just sent you the fb invite

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: kick ass!! I'd probably need a ride over there, mind if I try to bring travis?

2007-10-10 [Syn's Desire]: Travis in a party with any black people other then ramius and shan and bear is a bad idea. he'd die.

2007-10-10 [risky]: um... this is about fitting in. seriously. thats why i said if you havent been to one of these parties you probably shouldnt go. this isnt a bt thing

2007-10-10 [risky]: thanks v... i didnt wanna sound mean lol

2007-10-10 [Syn's Desire]: Travis would die, and i'd lauhg, so fucking hard.

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: lol alrighty

2007-10-10 [Fear of the Soul]: what about chris?

2007-10-10 [risky]: not funny cause hed get shot n the party would get shut down. i fucking hate when that happens grrr. security at this party is gonna be sooooo tight.

2007-10-10 [risky]: chris who?

2007-10-10 [Obsidian Panthera]: Wait, what party is this? I haven't been paying attention...

2007-10-11 [risky]: me n my friends costume party

2007-10-11 [Obsidian Panthera]: Ahh...Lol. Travis wouldn't survive.

2007-10-11 [risky]: the only person who really would is avivah.

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